MUNDART Asterix needed

Tauschen, Suchen, Kaufen und Verkaufen.

Moderator: Iwan


MUNDART Asterix needed

Beitrag: # 50182Beitrag Aleksandar »

Dear German fellow collectors,

I need only one Asterix adventure, regardless which one published, in the following MUNDART translations: Alemannisch, Badisch, Hunsruecker Platt, Kaertnerisch, Muenchnerisch, Mainzerisch, Moselfraenkisch, Ostfriesisch, Suedtirolerisch, Tueringisch and Unterfrankisch.

I am ready either to pay for them via bank transfer including shipment expenses or to exchange them for various editions in Serbo-Croat or Serbian, whatever is prefered by those among you who may help me with those MUNDART albums listed above. I am also ready to pay for the scans in case the printed album is not available for sale.

You may contact me directly at

Thank you all in advance.
