From the official site

Let's talk about Asterix here...

Moderator: Jochgem

AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 450
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

From the official site

Beitrag: # 11402Beitrag Jochgem »

Now next to the missive, the colourful Asterix news is brought to you via the new and hot Doubleclix Blog. What do we read [see below] ... the end of my hobby, collecting asterix editions for the Internet. It seems of no use competing with the official site isn't it?

HJ "Jochgem"


Translation stock exchange

We've just created the first worldwide translation stock exchange! As Euronext joins forces with Wall Street, we're slaving away to bring you culture, quality, dreams.

So we're opening the stock exchange and we'll keep you informed of developments. Best listing: Asterix the Gaul with 50 official translations so far! For your information, Asterix and the Great Divide is available in 29 languages and the baby of the bunch, the 33rd album, is already available in 16 different versions worldwide! We're going to draw up a table for you and, if you lose everything on the other stock exchange, you can always come study the table of Asterix translations around the world! It's more sensible and more informative, don't you think?
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Beitrag: # 11416Beitrag Sukisuix »

Jochgem do not stop your hobby. I for one can honestly say if it wasn't for the work that you and Hans have done on your website, and the help that Hans has given me, I would not have known where to start. Your website carries alot of information, and well laid out lists. I wonder how much information the new site will have.

I believe there will still be alot of fans like me, who will constantly be going back to your site for information. Keep up the good work :smile:

Beitrag: # 11427Beitrag invisifan »

I absolutely agree with Sukisuix -- it is far better to have an independent source of information... in particular I wouldn't want to rely on the official website for any information given their history of spin doctoring... there is a lot of information they'll have no interest in too (like the songs as a case in point), so keep up the great work :grin: