Falling Sky - why it was so odd

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Falling Sky - why it was so odd

Beitrag: # 10484Beitrag SingingGandalf »

The 33rd Asterix book is the most debatable and oddest ever. Does anyone have any idea's why it's so differant from the others. The only one I can think of isn't a happy prospect. Uderzo might be just too old for this anymore and can't do it properly. Or maybe he just wanted a change? Any ideas?
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8065
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Falling Sky - why it was so odd

Beitrag: # 10486Beitrag Erik »

Hello SingingGandalf,

this comic book has already been discussed very controversial in the weeks after its publication on 14.10.2005. Look here:

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Beitrag: # 10489Beitrag SingingGandalf »

Oh, I have seen the other posts but I thought that this topic should be completely dedicated to why it's odd, rather than general moaning at the book as other posts do.
Many thanks

Beitrag: # 10655Beitrag Sofie »

Why it was odd???
Because there were aliens in it!
Aliens, in an Asterix.
Worse, Aliens in an Asterix without a story to support them. It was like one of my biggest nightmares concerning Asterix coming true (my boyfriend was laughing his head off when he saw I was almost crying over the new book, but he stopped when he started looking at it himself). Actually it kinda broke my heart, to see what had become of Asterix, who has been my favourite comic character for as long as I can remember. I hope we will never have to face these aliens (or any other aliens for that matter) in an Asterix-related context again.
There,I said it :oops:

Beitrag: # 10701Beitrag Gast »

Well, speaking as one of those who has moaned a lot about The Falling Sky, the best thing I can say in its defense is that at least Uderzo is trying to keep the series fresh. There are a lot of odd Asterix stories - at least, they were odd at the time. Banquet, Obelix&Co, the Great Crossing, the Laurel Wreath etc. were all departures for the series, even a story as classic as Legionary starts off with an oddball premise - Obelix falls in love and joins the Roman army. This is exactly what I like about Asterix, it is never formulaic, each volume tries to find something new. Actress is really odd (but it works imo), All at Sea is even odder.

For me, what really makes Falling Sky different to other Asterix stories is Uderzo's departure from his usual artistic style to pay homage to Disney and Manga (although exactly how that homage worked with the anti-American subtext that the publishers claimed for the story is not clear). The different styles don't work that well together.